So, I made a Bitmoji of myself, but can't seem to make another one, even if I try a different app. I will have to try to work on this some more. My line of thinking was....I could create a Bitmoji of Abraham Lincoln, or Nat Turner, or Frederick Douglass (all historical figures that are part of my current unit) and then I could incorporate them into the unit. Some historical figures appear in political cartoons on the NYS Regents Exam, so it is important to know what they look like in real life so that students can easily recognize them in an image or cartoon. I was hoping to have an assignment where students create a Bitmoji of an historical figure and then either list some bulleted facts next to it or some quotes from that person. It would also be cool to use it in a "Guess-Who" style game, where I say a fact/quote and the students would have to decide which Bitmoji it matched. I have a bunch of ideas for using this tool. I liked reading about the one Math...