Image by 12019,
Current Unit of Study = Civil War
For the first 5-6 years of my teaching career, I never thought twice about copying and pasting a photo from the Internet into a powerpoint or SmartNotebook lesson. Photos have always been (and will continue to be) a valuable teaching tool, especially for ELLs and Special Education students who benefit from visuals to enhance their learning.
I liked "Thing 3" as an assignment because I learned about additional sites that allow for re-use of images. I had known of and HistoryPin before, but am intrigued by PhotoPin and some of the editing sites.
I'm happy to say that my school has a Twitter page, where photos are frequently posted on various topics concerning academics, athletics, and community events. I'm wondering how I can use photos more in the classroom, beyond pasting them into a lesson. I really like the "Poster My Wall" site, and I can see myself using this as a class assignment for students....create a collage that includes the most important images about (topic). There could be a written piece to it (maybe a blog!) and/or an oral component. Definitely have to look into this more.
Great idea - Collages are fun to create and really require thinking to select the right photos. Combined with a writing piece, I think you have a winner.