As with Cool Tools Session #1, I learned plenty from this session that I was able to incorporate into my teaching practice (and even one thing that applied for my home-life/own kids!). For school, I was able to incorporate a few different tools in my practice...from Flubaroo to GoogleSlides, to different ways to assess and provide feedback to students. Personally, I created a library for my 5-year-old son using Padlet, and it turns out that another PD that I did used Padlet as a response tool as well. I'm glad I got familiar with it through Cool Tools so that I knew how to use it without any glitches. A few other people in my building have done at least one Cool Tools session, so I really enjoyed talking with them about what they chose to explore. Some chose different "Things", and some chose the same "Things" that I did. I was able to learn about tools that I didn't explore, and I was also able to see what others did for the tools that I did ...
For this assignment, I actually implemented two new tools that I used within the week leading up to break: Plickers and Quizlet Live. I'm notorious for giving a Unit Exam right before a break, so of course, as April break approached, I was finishing up a unit and spending the class-before-the-test reviewing with students. I reviewed in class on Monday-Tuesday, and gave the exam on Wednesday-Thursday (we meet every other day, and I have 3 different sections). I read about and asked other teachers about both Plickers and Quizlet Live to see which one they preferred for their students. What I found was that some teachers liked Plickers, while others liked Quizlet, and I decided, based on the makeup of my classes, that one class would use Plickers, while the other two would use Quizlet Live. I chose Plickers for my 4th period class because they are my challenging group. The SWD population is 12 (out of 26), and their needs are pretty significant. That cl...