This is my first year using GoogleClassroom regularly for my own students. I like the classroom because it aids in communication between teachers and students; however, it has drawbacks, too.
For example, since I began teaching (12 years ago), I've always used PowerPoint as my tool-of-choice for presenting info, directions, images, etc. to my students. What I started doing this year was posting all of my lesson materials in my U.S. History GoogleClassroom...powerpoints, note sheets, homework, etc. What I've noticed is that the PowerPoint files don't always mesh nicely with GoogleClassroom...sometimes students will open the slideshow and the images will be misplaced or the text might run off of the slide.
For this assignment, I decided to mess around with GoogleSlides by uploading a PowerPoint that I'll be using after break to the Drive. This way, when I post the slideshow to GoogleClassroom, I'll just post the GoogleSlides presentation rather than the Powerpoint, and hopefully avoid any glitches.
By messing around with this uploaded Powerpoint, I was able to fix a few things that I noticed were off. Now that I'm more aware of the differences between Powerpoint and GoogleSlides, I think I might just begin creating future new slideshows in GoogleSlides to prevent any glitches or re-working on my part.
Here's the link to my GoogleSlides presentation:
Another tool I looked into was Prezi, and this might be another option. I've never made a prezi, but have always liked the look of it. From what I gather, it looks to be just a link to a website, so this would be easy to link in my GoogleClassroom and would also avoid any glitches between differences in Powerpoint vs. GoogleSlides. Glad I have some more options to consider here.
I've gotten to the point where I rarely use PowerPoint any more. Google Slides has all the features I usually need.